Me, Spring Black Bear Hunting
You see what a cheap GI hunted in during the late 60's. Notice the GI pack board. I took my 1st black bear on the mountain behind my head that September.

My First Black Bear
After spending the night out back at base camp in Gulch Creek.

Doug Simmons
Doug with the first spring black bear kill that I was a part of.

Richard Milham
Richard and me with a black bear we killed in 1969 while I was stationed at Galena AFB. We were hunting close to Ruby, AK on the Yukon River.

My largest Black Bear 6'6"
I took this really nice bear in Prince William Sound in the 70's. My buddies and I harvested 20+ black bears before I started guiding. All were on weekend hunts.

My Daughter Michelle
Michelle was 11 years old when she shot her black bear in the Prince William Sound area. That was the first of my kids or grand kids taking black bear in that area.

Chuck Berry
Chuck with a 6' blackie taken in the tidal flats in a far end cove in Prince William sound.

Hance Clayton
Hance with a 6' black bear taken on one of our Prince William Sound hunts.

Another Big Black Bear
This was a 6'5" bear that I took on this weekend hunt. We harvested 4 bears on this hunt.

Scottie Bailey
One of the spring bears taken in the Prince William Sound area.

Weekend Black Bear Hunt
We used this log for lots of pictures in the 70's. (R to L) Hanceford Clayton, Earl Boucher, myself and Eddie Lanoue. All of us were in the Air Force.

Hank Baldwin
Hank with another 6'+ black bear from Prince William Sound.

Earl Boucher
Earl with his 6'5" black bear in the Prince William Sound area.

Another Great Weekend
We had a great hunt with three of the bears over 6'5". (R to L) Scottie Bailey, Dan Schwarzer (later to become my partner in our guide business), Earl Boucher and myself. You will see Earls picture in many of my photos. He is a close friend and a good hunting partner.

Roger Shelton
One of the black bears taken during low tide in the Prince William Sound area.

Dan Schwarzer
Dan with his 6'6" black bear taken on one of our Prince William Sound hunts. Dan joined Brent and I as a partner in AAA Alaskan Outfitters in 1986.

Earl Boucher With His Son Brian
Earl and I went on many hunts together. This was a special one with his 10 year old son Brian taking a 6'+ black bear.

Lyle Thompson and Me
Lyle with his 6'1" bear taken in the Prince William Sound area. This was the last black bear taken by my friends and me before I started guiding.

Rick Glorvigen
Rick with his beautiful 6' spring black bear.

Russ Langston
Russ with one of the black bears we harvested on the Kenai Peninsula.
Small Transportation
Two of the small boats we used while hunting the Prince William Sound.
Black Bear With A Bow
I harvested this 5'6" black bear with my Bear Kodiak Magnum re-curve 42# bow. I shot him at about 10 yards. Marvin Buckley was with me and took his 6' with his rifle. Fifteen miles down the railroad tracks from Moose Pass.

My 1st Bow Kill Black Bear
My 5'6" black bear taken in the Grand View area. We walked up the tracks from Upper Trail Lake. It was taken in the mid 70's.

Mike Herbert
Mike with his 5’6” black bear taken close to Crescent Lake.

Marv "Buck" Buckley
Marv with his 6'1" black bear taken around Grand View 12 miles down the railroad tracks on the Kenai Peninsula.

My Grandson Greg Rapp
Greg at the age of 11 was my 1st grand kid to take a big game animal. This has been our largest black bear to date. It was 7'1" with a 19 3/16" skull. Greg used a .243 with the stock cut down about an 1".

Granddaughter Jordan Juliussen
Jordan age 11 shot her 6'8" black bear on a spring hunt in the Prince William Sound area. What a blast!

Jared and Me
This is one of my favorite photos. My grandson Jared and me are climbing after a black bear. Beautiful country.

Grandson Jared Juliussen
Jared shot his 1st black bear on his second hunt with the same cut down .243 that Greg and Jordan used. His bear was 5'7".

My granddaughter Rachel with her 6'7" black bear taken in the Prince William Sound area.

Granddaughter Rachel Juliussen
Rachel age 11 with her 6'7" black bear taken in the same area my other grandkids hunted. The .243 strikes again. It is an amazing little rifle.

Grandson Nathan Juliussen
Nathan age 10 with his 6'5" black bear taken in the Prince William Sound area. Nate was the 5th grandchild to take a black bear. One proud guy!

The Gang
My son in law Sagen Juliussen, grandsons Nathan and Jared and myself with Nate's bear. What a great trip and a beautiful day.

Jared Juliussen
Jared with his 2nd black bear a 6'5" sow. Fish & Game aged the bear at 33, one of the oldest taken in the State.

Another Great Day
The gang again, grandsons Nathan and Jared, son in law Sagen Juliussen and myself with Jared's big black bear. That bear was shot about 20 yards from where Rachel took her bear. We got a great video.
Prince William Sound
A beautiful day black bear hunting in the Prince William Sound.

Only Guided Black Bear
AAA hunters harvested about 12 black bear over the 23 years that I was an owner. This is the only one I took part in. This bear was 7'4" and was taken by Jimmy Breen in 2003. (R to L) packer/guide Chris Moore, packer/guide Tom Losk, packer/guide Jeremiah Simmons, Jimmy Breen and myself.
Getting ready to return back to Whittier after a successful black bear hunt. We have used my 15 1/2' MK III Grand Raid Zodiac on the last eight bear hunts in the Prince William Sound.
Marty Trunbow
Marty and me with his fall black bear. This was the last bear that we took on the Kenai Peninsula.

Black Bear Hunt 2020
Coming back on John’s boat.