My First Deer on Kodiak
My first deer taken on a hunt in Zacker Bay in 2005. I learned a lot on this hunt. It only got better.

Ron Watts
Ron with our first nice Sitka. Scored 93 B&C.

Moving Up
My second deer taken on the Aliulik Peninsula on Kodiak in 2006. Great hunt!!

My Grandson Jared
Jared age 12 with his super nice 96 point B&C buck. Jared won the Youth Division of the Boondock Big Buck Contest. We were on our way.

Grandson Jared
Jared with his deer and a fox that he harvested on the 2006 hunt. Best weather ever on a Kodiak hunt.

Deer Camp on Kodiak
Jared and me at a great camp on Kodiak.

Ron and Philip
Ron and Philip with their 92 point B&C deer.

Great Hunt
One of our best deer hunts on Kodiak. Great weather and lots of deer. (L to R) Ron, Jared, Philip and myself with five nice deer.

Grandson Greg
Greg with our first 100 pointer taken south end of Kodiak Island in 2007. Greg took 6th Place in Boondock's Big Game Contest

Greg Not Having Fun
Greg not enjoying the weather. This was the worst weather I ever had on a hunt. It rained and/or snowed every day of the hunt. This was 2007.

Earl Boucher
Earl with his 92 point B&C Sitka deer taken south end of Kodiak . I think this was 2008.

Dan Schwarzer
Dan with his close to camp meat deer. Dan was one of my partner's in AAA Alaskan Outfitters. Dan and Earl are both good friends and hunting buddies. (R to L) Earl, Dan and myself.

Jake Schwarzer
Jake with a nice 89 point B&C buck taken around 2012. This was the first day of the hunt and was Jake's first deer. (L to R) Jake, his dad Dan and myself.

Happy Cook
Dinner is served. I do most of the cooking. Tight tent quarters but it works.

Dan And Earl
Dan and Earl on another cold and windy hunting day.

My First Big Deer
This is my beautiful 107 5/8 gross 103 net B&C deer. It took second place in Boondock's Big Buck Contest in 2014. After 10 hunts I finally got a "Big Guy".

Family Picture
Showing off his split points. Son-in-law Sagen, grandson Nathan and myself. Beautiful day with a beautiful deer with family. Can't beat it.

My Grandson Nathan
Nathan with his first buck a 92 pointer. This is a really nice 5 year old Sitka Buck.

Nathan, Sagen and myself with Nate's super nice buck.

Son-In-Law Sagen Juliussen
Sagen with another nice buck. What a great hunt.
Sagen glassing for deer on our favorite spotting hill.

Tent Camping
Tent camping for deer on Kodiak is a great way to go. Need to select your site so you are protected from the wind.

Great Hunt
What a great hunt with three really fine bucks. Love family hunts.

Jonathan DiDonato
Our 2015 deer hunt started out great with Jonathan (Dan's future son-in-law) taken this beautiful buck. (L to R) Dan, Jonathan and myself on the south end of Kodiak.

Another Big Buck
The second year in a roll that I took a really nice buck. This guy grossed 108 but only netted 101 because of a short G-4. Still a dandy buck.

Great Day
Great day for a walk with a good load of deer meat. It is great to live in Alaska.

My 1st Big Stika Blacktail
My beautiful 107 SCI or 102 B&C blacktail deer taken in 2014. Mounted by Tom J owner of Northland Arts.

Earl glassing for deer on a beautiful day on Kodiak.

Brian Boucher
Brian Boucher with his first deer a beautiful 4x3. His dad, Earl and I are by his side. A great hunt the fall of 2016.
Brian Boucher
Brain with his 4x5 buck that scored 105 gross and netted 100 4/8th. It was the only deer we harvested in 2017. Kodiak had a really bad winter kill.
Sea Hawk Air
Sea Hawk Air's beaver, flown by Rolan the owner, picking us up in 2017. Great flying service!

Jared and Sagen
My grandson Jared and son-in-law Sagen on our 2017 deer hunt.

The Gang
Our 2017 deer hunting group. (L to R) Jared, Earl Boucher, Brian Boucher, Sagen and myself.

2017 Camp
Jared standing by our camp we used in '17. There was five of us so we used two tents.

2017 Deer
Brian's antlers after we returned from the hunt. Gross score 105.

Morning Full Moon
Kodiak 2020

Deer Camp
Just brushed of 5” new snow 2020.

November Cold

Dwight Hill
Having fun spotting at the “honey hole.”