Me In 1967 At Fog Lakes
This was my first and only moose. He was a real nice 48". This was my first fly-in. I have never been much of a moose hunter. I was always to busy with sheep, goat and caribou. You can read the story "My First Fly-in Hunt."

Gary Watkins
Gary with his 60" moose we took on the Fog Lakes Hunt. We harvested 2 moose and 3 caribou.

Moose and Caribou Meat
Me at the meat hanging pole at Fog Lakes in 1967.

1st Fly-in
Results from my first fly-in hunt at Fog Lakes.

My First Moose
It was 1967 at Fog Lakes when I shot my largest moose, a 48 incher. That was quite the garb that I had on. Walking in chest waders, what was I thinking.
Chuck Berry
Chuck packing out his antlers on our Alaska Peninsula moose/caribou hunt that went south.
Charles James
Charles with his 51" moose taken on the Alaska Peninsula.
Alaska Peninsula Moose Hunt
I did mainly caribou hunts on the Alaska Peninsula but this time I tried a combo hunt that didn't work well. (R to L) Doug Simmons, Chuck Berry, Charles James and myself with two legal moose. No big guys in sight.
Our Typical Moose/Caribou Camp
Our camp on a moose hunt on the Alaska Peninsula.
Ron Watts
Ron with his 60" moose that he took in the Fog Lakes area. I went on three hunts in that area and we killed 6 moose. Ron's moose was about 5 miles from camp. Not a fun pack, but when you are young and dumb, well!!
Ron Watts
Ron the day after he killed his 60" moose packing out the antlers.
Earl Boucher
Earl with his 56" moose taken in the Fog Lakes area. Earl had a chance at a 60"+ moose that got away.
Earl Boucher
Earl packing his 56" moose antlers back to camp. That last trip is a great feeling.
Great Fog Lakes Hunt
A happy group of guys with Ron's and Earl's moose. (R to L) Mike Herbert, Earl Boucher, Ron Watts and myself after a fun and successful hunt in 1980.
Another Fog Lakes Moose
Mark Torrey with his 53 inch moose taken in 1981 on my third hunt to the Fog Lakes area.

My First Moose Client
John Ribic, OH, with his 53" bull moose that he harvested with his bow. I was working for Rich Guthrie in the Brooks Range in '83.

Tommy Smith
Tommy Smith and me in '83 with his 61" moose. This was my third moose hunter that year so I was 100% successful. I was working for Tracy Verm on the Alaska Peninsula this hunt.

Ted Epley
Ted Epley, Idaho with his 65" moose. Ted was my second moose client the first year that I guided. This was on the Alaska Peninsula while working for Tracy Verm.

My First Guided Moose For AAA
Bryan Kettel and me with his 62 1/2" moose taken at Big Bend Lakes in 1984. This was AAA Alaskan Outfitters first moose hunter. In 1983 I guided one moose hunter for Rich Guthrie and two for Tracy Verm. Rich's client was a bow hunter who took a 53" and two gun hunters who took a 65" and 61".

Greg Hedgis
Greg took the beautiful 64" bull in 1987 above the cabin at Bryson Bar. This was in our Wrangell Mountains area.

Fred Franz
Fred, 76 years old with his 57 1/2" beauty. This moose had the best brow of any we have ever taken. This was our second and the last moose that year. He was guided by Dan Schwarzer and myself. Two years later Dan became a partner in AAA Alaskan Outfitters.
Dog Salmon River Camp
Three dandy moose taken on the Alaska Peninsula in '88. All the moose are over 65". Our average that year was 65 3/8". Brent is in the middle.

Tom Losk And Myself
Tom, a packer and me with a moose he has just packed to a spot that I landed for pick-up. Tom hunted with us two times for moose/caribou and wanted to come back and pack for us. That was strange but his goal was to get his guides license which he did.

Chris Parrack
Chris and me with his 68" moose taken behind the camp at Otter Lake in 1999. This was the first day of his hunt.

Tom Wells
Tom and me with his 60" moose taken behind camp at Otter Lake. This was the first day of his hunt.

Tom Wells and Gang
(L to R) Tom, Tom,Jr., guide Ron Watts, myself and guide/packer Tom Losk with Tom's 60" bull moose.

Combo Hunts
My guides and me with four combo hunters trophies back in '90. (L to R) guides Gary Thompson, Curt Johnson, Eric Sjodin, myself, packer Marty Phelps and guide Mike Herbert.

AAA's Largest Moose
This is the front page of AAA's 1999 annual newsletter showing Eric Payne, from Maryland, with his 73 7/8 inch spread moose. This is AAA's largest spread antlers to date. It was taken on the Alaska Peninsula.

Western Alaska Moose
Craig Hoskin, from Arizona, with his 73" spread moose taken in 1997. This was the largest moose taken in our Western Alaska area and the second largest for AAA. Craig's guide was Sagen Juliussen.

Locked Antlers
Here I am with a set of locked antlers that I spotted from the air close to our Otter Lake base camp. The larger one was 69" and the small one 56". They were packed to camp by packer Scott Herbert.

Scott Herbert
Scott with the locked antlers that he packed back to the Otter Lake camp.

My Grandson Jared With His 1st Moose
Jared and the family with his 42" moose. This moose was taken in unit 20 under any bull. (L to R) Jared, cousin Jens, uncle Thor, myself, father Sagen, sister Rachel and brother Nathan. Family fun.

My grandson Jared is packing the antlers of his first moose.

My Granddaughter Rachel
Rachel with her 49" moose taken in unit 20 under any bull. This was her first moose. Shot it at 250 yards with my 300 Winchester magnum. That was the first time she had shot a rifle that big.

Rachel's First Moose
Me, Rachel and Sagen with her first moose!
My grand daughter Rachel is packing the antlers of her first moose.
Spotting Hill
The family moose spotting hill.

My Grandson Nathan
Nathan with his 46" moose taken in unit 20 under any bull. This was Nathan's first moose. (L to R) Nathan, his dad Sagen, cousin Jens and myself. Another family hunt.
Nathan packing out the antlers of his first moose.
Packing Out With a Four Wheeler
The gang with Thor's Grizzly 4-wheeler and Nathan's whole moose. Sure beats packing it out on your back.
Jens Juliussen
Jens and his father Thor with Jens' second moose. The moose was 44" and died in the creek.

Meat Hanging
We always set up a good meat hanging area to keep it dry and keep the flies away.

Family Moose Hunt
One of our successful family moose and caribou hunts in unit 20. (L to R) Jens, Thor, Nathan, Sagen and myself with two moose and a caribou.

Cook Tent
This is the wall tent we use for all of our family moose/caribou hunts.

58” moose 2020

Thor and Jens
58” moose Thor and Jens took in 2020.

Moose Packing
Family packing a moose.

Thor's Solar
Ready for the trip up stream.

Camp At Night
Moose hunt 2020.

Moose Camp 2021

My New Solar Super Jet 470
Solar parked at base camp.

Jens' 56" Moose
Family hunt 2022. Jen killed our only moose this year.

Our two Solar 470 "Super jets"

Big Family Camp

Nate and the Gang
Nate’s 51 1/2” moose surrounded by the gang. He took this moose the fall of ‘23.

Solar's With Snow
Snow on the Solar’s fall of ‘23.