The other morning, I was awakened from what I consider a nightmare. I was dreaming that I was mountain goat hunting and was climbing up a chute to get above the cliffs and rocks were falling all around me. I felt like I was going to die any moment. To protect my head, I had the top of my pack pressed hard against the rocks of the chute that I was climbing in. In real life this has happened to me more than once while hunting both sheep and goat. I have had D rings knocked off of my pack frame from fast moving rocks. I still have a small rock fragment imbedded in the handgrip of my little Bear Kodiak Magnum recurve bow that was knocked out of my hand by a wild spinning rock in one of those rock slides. In the areas where I have hunted, this has happened to me more times while hunting goats. That brings up a good question, which is the most dangerous hunting sheep or mountain goats? In my personal experience mountain goat hunting wins hands down!