family hunting trips

A Goat For Nathan

A Goat For Nathan

Nathan my youngest grandchild of 7 grandchildren is quite a young man, a jokester and really fun to be around.  While I think Nathan liked hunting in general he especially enjoyed our family hunting trips.  Nathan and his big brother Jared have always had a special bond.  On our hunting trips, Nathan was always by Jared’s side.  After everyone left for collage, however, he was on his own.  In 2013, (Nathan had just turned 14), he ended up taking a super 386 point B&C caribou and his first moose, a 46 incher.  He was also drawn for a mountain goat permit in an area on the Kenai Peninsula.  It was an area that I had hunted in the late 70’s.  I was excited since I knew the area so well and was looking forward to hunting it again.  I hoped Nathan was as excited as I was.  We made plans for a mid to late September hunt.